5 Ways You Put Yourself at Risk For the Flu

December 13, 2017


Now we’re in the full swing of flu season and you see people coughing and sneezing left and right, and now you’re wondering how to avoid catching the flu.

Even if you sneeze into your elbow, fervently wash your hands, and avoid large crowds where viruses run rampant, you can still get sick.  Here are a few surprising ways you can catch a cold this flu season.

You’re Not Washing Your Hands Properly

You should be washing your hands at least more than 10 times a day, between bathroom usage, handling garbage, or being in public areas such trains and buses.

You’re Only Using Hand Sanitizer

Your hand sanitizer should contain between 60% to 95% alcohol or ethanol, so if it doesn’t contain that, your sanitizer isn’t effectively killing the germs.  Also, hand sanitizer should never replace old-fashioned hand-washing.

Shaking Hands

A simply handshake seems harmless, right?  Close contact with infected individuals is the easiest way to get sick.  This doesn’t mean you have to be anti-social all cold/flu season, but you should be weary of physical hellos and goodbyes and make a conscious effort not to touch your eyes, nose, or mouth until after you’ve washed your hands.

Going to the Gym

Your New Years Resolution might be to hit the gym more, but over-exercising can put strains on your body that can make you sick, and you can also pick up germs and viruses from every area of the gym from the treadmill to the locker room.

You Skipped Your Flu Shot

Getting your annual flu shot is the most preventative measure to avoid catching a cold or the flu.  Even if you happen to get sick, your symptoms will be much milder than they would’ve been if you went without.


Flu Shots and Treatment at AFC Urgent Care West Long Branch

At AFC Urgent Care West Long Branch, we provide seasonal flu shots to make sure you and the family are well-equipped to make it through the flu season unscathed.  We also provide treatment for flu-like symptoms such as:

  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Dehydration
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle Soreness
  • & More!

Have your symptoms lasted more than a few days?  Want a second option on your symptoms?  Don’t hesitate to visit our urgent care center.  We’re open seven days a week with convenient night and weekend hours to provide you with the care you need, when you need it.

For more information about the services we provide, please call us or visit us today!



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